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Things to Consider in the Design of Laboratory Desks;

-The bench surface of laboratory benches should be determined in accordance with the working conditions to be made on it. Materials that will ensure that the chemical materials to be used do not have permanent damage on the floor are preferred. Laboratory benches, which are resistant to the risk of spilling chemical materials, as well as being resistant to hitting and scratching, fire, dry heat, water vapor, boiling water, and easily cleaned and with tensile

-bending strength, provide comfort and safety in laboratory work. Materials such as compact laminate materials, industrial ceramic materials, stainless steel, composite are used in countertop construction.

-Laboratory benches should be designed with a smooth surface against the risk of contamination. Working in a sterile environment is important for the reliability of laboratory analysis results. Factors that may cause foreign matter to remain on the surface and not be cleaned will create a risk of contamination.

-Steel constructions constitute the skeleton part of laboratory bench designs. The fact that it can be easily disassembled and mounted also allows the laboratory areas to be used in the most optimum way.

-The fact that the devices used in the analysis will be placed on the bench makes it necessary for the material used in the construction of the bench to be durable. It is recommended to paint the countertop with epoxy-based electrostatic powder paint.

-In laboratory bench design, cabinets and drawers are also designed using durable materials such as laminate. The handles and moving parts used in these sections are designed using stainless materials and the use of a brake system provides ease of use. Again, considering the easy cleaning in response to the risk of contamination, these components should not be too indented.

-For the safe use of the devices which used in the laboratory, it is important to arrange a sufficient number of electrical installations behind the laboratory benches by using suitable and safe materials.

-And finally, it is preferred that laboratory counter systems be economical in order to be accessible.

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