Aircraft insulation materials tester is used to measure flame propagation (between after ignition and combustion) for thermal or acoustic aircraft insulation materials.
The freezing point of milk is especially important because it detects the cheating made by adding water to milk and gives realistic information about the…
Profilometer is used to measure surface hardness, roughness and peak value. With these devices, flatness, hardness, roughness, waviness, height, surface defects, scratches, volume wear and…
Carbon-Sulfur Analyzer is used for the determination of carbon-sulfur in the samples. The device is used for carbon and sulfur analysis in metal-based analysis samples…
Color and gloss are important data for determining surface properties. The brightness is measured by the reflection of the light beam falling on the surface.…
Sulfur is found in crude oil as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and similar sulfur compounds (mercaptans, sulphides, disulfides, thiophenes, etc.). The presence of sulfur in crude…
It is used for color evaluation and color comparisons under standard light sources. The device, which is a good alternative to natural daylight, is available…
The physical movement that brings the fibers together is called twisting. Twisting tightens the fibers and provides more holding surface, prevents them from slipping over…