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Laboratory Equipment

Face Shield

Face shields, which are among the laboratory products that are important for laboratory safety; It is used in metal splashes, grinding operations, deburring operations, casting…
May 31, 2022
Laboratory Equipment

Lens Cleaning Wipe

Lens cleaning wipes, which are used for cleaning and maintenance purposes, are laboratory products with antistatic and anti-fog properties that allow dirt to be cleaned.…
May 31, 2022
Laboratory Equipment

Glove Box

With Glove Box Glove Box, chemical, biological and physical studies can be done by providing isolation. The ability to add material is ensured without disturbing…
May 31, 2022
Laboratory Equipment

Cleanroom Face Mask

Cleanroom Face Mask SO14644-1:2015 Cleanroom Standard has been prepared for the standard of clean rooms and the environments controlled with these rooms for the control…
May 9, 2022